Retailer Links In-Store Improvement Programme to Record Profits

Renowned International Retail Brand Doubles Online Sales
January 31, 2017
Financial Services Clients
January 31, 2017

Retailer Links In-Store Improvement Programme to Record Profits

A well-established UK retailer with high customer satisfaction scores had been through a recent period of significant investment in several of its high value fascias and wanted to put a value on understanding the link between customer satisfaction and sales and to determine whether indeed this was consistent across all its fascias.

CFI Group went to work and through its financial linkage analytics, identified that there was indeed a stronger link between customer satisfaction and purchases from high value fascias (so money well invested!). In fact customers shopping in high value fascias were shown to have 1.5 times the spend potential from a 1 point change in CSI compared to those shopping the lower value fascias.

Additional segmentation analysis also identified that:

  1. The retailer’s more frequent shoppers were also more sensitive to CSI.
  2. Overall satisfaction and service levels were seen to be high for all customer groups but that satisfaction was lower amongst its more affluent customers.

This was a useful illustration for staff training purposes and based on CFI Group’s recommendations the retailer put increased emphasis on customer service initiatives throughout the company in order to improve the in-store customer experience, thus maximising the spend potential from its store investment programme.

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